I, I follow, I follow you Deep sea baby, I follow you I, I follow, I follow you Dark doom honey, I follow you Lykke Li
Kamera: Pentax Pino 35
Juosta: Kodak Color Plus 200
Kadrai: Marijaus

I like following Maria. I like taking pictures of her. Maria likes all kinds of plants. I like taking pictures of her watching blossoming plants. I think Maria looks nice between plants. She talks to them.

Tram in Amsterdam. At first I thought that it was out of focus but then realised it is even better this way. I like to follow Maria in trams and trains. She wanders through the window into the nature and people.

On a train to the beach near Amsterdam. Morning coffee.
In Amsterdam’s zoo

I also have to follow her instructions. Even though at that time I might not look like I am enjoying that, but – I like following her. She looks happy while taking photos of me.